Course: Yoga and seat training 2023


This popular course will be held again for you in 2023!

There are only a few places left for the full course.
There are still places available for the yoga training.

Body awareness training, yoga and fascia training for riders with empathy on the horse and combined seat training, at the beautiful Lusitano stud "Yeguada La Perla" in Segovia, Spain
The first demand on the rider's seat is for balance. Only from a balanced seat can the rider's actions lead to the goal. And only from a balanced seat can the rider succeed in merging with the horse instead of interfering with its movements. A rider who sits in a loose stability in his balance and at the same time in the movement balance of the horse, independent of the reins, is a prerequisite for fine and harmonious riding.

Achieve an optimized body feeling and a harmonious harmony with the horse through a targeted yoga and fascia training with a lot of theory and "listening in" for riders in combination with a seat training to feel and sense on the horse.

What does that mean in detail?

The rider should be able to sit in balance in any situation without holding on to the reins. The rider should "exist" only from the elbow, so to speak, and the rest, the forearm and the hand should be like "belonging to the horse". The horse's mouth should be accompanied only with an elastic connection that is comfortable for the horse. The rider's thigh is "breathing" against the horse's belly. The mind rides along mindfully. The rider's body should be able to follow the movement completely loosely and, at best, not show any tension or even blockages anywhere. A certain inner stability is of course still necessary, without which one would slide off the horse. The optimum is when the rider's body remains fluid in the movement of the horse, in harmonic balance with the horse.
A very complex demand on us riders!

Annette Gall, is a yoga teacher with yoga therapy training and certified Fascial FitnessTrainer from Aachen. Since July 2016 Annette is also Inner Axis Trainer. The carefully guided deep breath is the key to lead us back to balance.
Annette regularly attends qualified advanced trainings. Annette has been a passionate rider since childhood and over the years has spent many thousands of hours on horseback and even more time interacting with horses.

After very successful first courses, this is already the fourth course that takes place in this combination.

Annette Gall would like to train your body awareness first of all through perception training and then specific yoga exercises with a fascia training and mindful breathing and prepare you for riding in balance. You may then take your new body awareness with you on the horse. In harmony with the yoga, you will then receive training in your seat and posture on the horse, first on the lunge line and later, if necessary, also free. In this way you can first concentrate only on yourself and your body and feel how your body adapts better and better to the movements of the horse and how you can even merge with the horse and then gradually add all the other aids.
The newly achieved and experienced seat feeling enables your mind and body to merge in harmony with the horse's body and thus also to be able to ride high lessons with the horse.

Daily schedule

Since the stud farm is located at an altitude of 1,200 meters, it will not be too hot even in July.

Sunday 16 July
Arrival from 11 a.m.
11:30 a.m. Come together followed by a guided tour of the stud farm with Leonie Bühlmann
13:00-15:00 p.m. Lunch
15:30-ca. 18:00 p.m. Introduction "Yoga/Fascia and Riding" with Annette Gall
The non-conscious always sits with the horse. Restlessness, fears and all emotions influence the communication with the horse. All this expresses itself in our body. With the help of breathing and movement exercises as well as fascia perception, we will examine where and how stress and tension show up in our own body. It is explained how the nervous system works and how breathing, visualization and meditation techniques can be used like a tool.

Monday through Friday, July 17-21
9:00 -10:00 am Yoga and Fascia Training with Annette Gall
Focuses: Balance, symmetry
* Feet - legs - hips - lower back - abdominal muscles
* Systematic processing and awareness of the musculoskeletal system:
* Looking for blockages, tension, strength, weakness and how everything is connected.
* Hands - arms - shoulders - neck - upper spine and head
* Helpful exercises to balance.
10:00-13:00 Seat training on the lunge
13:30-15:30 Lunch
16:00-18:00 - Yoga and fascia training with Annette Gall.

Each participant rides for about 30 minutes on the lunge. Partly also joint lessons on the horse with the accompaniment of Annette Gall. Exercises for tracing on the horse
For example:
* Why does the help/information not reach the horse?
* Examination of the seat/rider aids for weak points and
* Possibilities for improvement incorporating what has been learned.
* What happens to the neck/back when the leg is shifted?
* What thoughts lead to the help being given too intensively/too imprecisely?

Saturday 22 July
9:00-10:00 Yoga and Fascia Training with Annette Gall
10:00-13:00 Seat training on the lunge
13:30 Lunch / Common conclusion

Conditions of participation

Participation is at your own risk. In case of acute, severe health, physical complaints (e.g. suspected slipped disc, severe movement restrictions, severe cardiovascular diseases) the permission of the attending physician must be obtained before participation. Riding is only allowed with an appropriate cap. Rider weight is limited to a maximum of 75kg.


The complete course consists of the yoga/fascia training part and the seat training (max. 6 participants).
Cost: EUR 890 per person
(lunch as well as snacks and drinks during the day are included in the price)

The yoga/fascia training can also be booked separately (max. 15 participants in total).
Cost: EUR 590 per person
(lunch as well as snacks and drinks during the day are included in the price)

Spectator seat training EUR 260 (lunch as well as snacks and drinks during the day are included in the price)

Arrival and accommodation

The accommodation is booked by the participants themselves. Tips on hotels, guesthouses or vacation apartments can be found here. We will be happy to assist you with the booking, if necessary in terms of language.
Price categories from approx. EUR 55 per night and person.

The nearest airport is Madrid. From there you can reach the stud farm, about 130 km from the airport, best by rental car. Google Maps is the easiest way to find the Yeguada la Perla.

We are happy to link you as participants to each other so that you can, for example, join forces to book a rental car together. If you wish to do so, please give us your consent to share your contact details with the other participants.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

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