The Founding of the La Perla Stud Farm

The Perla Stud Farm was founded in 1999 by Alberto Herranz Aparicio, who is passionate about horses, especially Lusitanos. He began by looking for the very best mares and stallions in Portugal to establish his own breeding program. In doing so, he not only valued beauty and best pedigree, but also the variety of colors. Among many other outstanding characteristics, this is what makes La Perla Lusitanos so very special to this day. Alberto's preference was for the Palominos, translated in Spanish to "Perlas". This is the origin of the name of the breed.

Alberto was impressed by the quality of the Lusitanos, their performance, their incredible agility as well as their skills. They also stood out for their versatility and courage and their friendly and gentle character. In short, he found in this breed the qualities that seemed indispensable for his future breeding: noble personality, high quality, rideability, outstanding movements and, to top it off, the magnificent colors!

To this day, Alberto Herranz Aparicio is proud that the La Perla Stud Farm is one of the best Lusitano breeders. This is proven by the numerous successes and medals he has won with his horses at breeding shows and tournaments.

His prowess for quality horses was proven when he selected the less than a year-old Alcaide in Portugal and brought him to Spain. Alcaide grew up on the La Perla Stud Farm and was trained there. Later he changed to a rider in Madrid and already as a 6-year-old, he became the Spanish champion of his age group. His sporting career has made him the most successful Lusitano, and he has even competed at World Championships and the Olympics for the Spanish dressage team.

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