Course "Animal Communication

with Ulrike Hasley and Stefanie Schulz-Pedersen


Giving animals a voice - animal communication course with Ulrike Hasley and Stefanie Schulz-Pedersen

An event in cooperation with Leonie Bühlmann at Yeguada La Perla, a magical Lusitano stud in Spain


Learn animal communication to be able to communicate with animals on an intensive level and deepen relationships. This gift is in each of us.

In this course you will learn the basics of animal communication. We will learn to listen properly again. With different exercises we enable you to become calm and concentrated inside, to protect and ground yourself in order to be open for telepathic communication with animals. We discuss the different ways of perception and support you to trust your experience. First experiences in conversations with animals will be made.

At the end of the course you will receive a folder in which you can review what you have learned. In addition, we will give you practice talks to take home with you and will be there to help you with any questions or problems you may have during the weeks after the course.

Animal communication can be used in the following situations: everyday and special challenges and problems (e.g. loading and saddling), moving, illness, finding out wishes and needs, finding missing animals, when I want to communicate something to my animal, fear, end-of-life care and much more.

About us:

Ulrike has been communicating with animals and giving animal communication courses for 10 years. In addition, the focus of energy work with humans and animals has developed. She is a certified Emotionscode® user and in training to become a Bodycode® therapist according to Dr. Bradley Nelson. In her own practice she also supports people with impulse massages according to Dorn and Breuß.

Stefanie has had a special gut feeling about animals since childhood. As a behavioral biologist and animal communicator, she accompanies animals and people in conversations and courses. Meanwhile, she has communicated with animals from 7 countries on site and at a distance. She also supports humans and horses to strengthen their trustful cooperation, to master challenges like trailer loading in a relaxed way and inspires humans and horses in free work and joyful gymnastic ground work in courses and lessons. As a certified Centered Riding® Trainer Level 1, she gives courses and lessons to train the rider's sense of movement, which is the basis for fine riding in all disciplines.

What will you learn?

  • What is the animal communication
  • What you can achieve with animal communication
  • The Code of Ethics of Animal Communicators
  • Meditations and relaxation exercises to calm down and become receptive
  • To ground and protect you - for animal communications and also for other areas of life.
  • Establish positive affirmations and rewrite negative beliefs
  • Creating the right setting
  • Contact us
  • To perceive in which way you receive the information of the animals
  • How you can send something to the animals
  • The approach of animal communication, the implementation and the conclusion
  • The communication with the owners; the evaluation of the conversations
  • First own animal conversations
  • Energy work


Course fee: 580,00 Euro

Drinks water / coffee / tea and snacks are provided. At noon we eat together in a nearby restaurant if desired.


Course times:

Thursday: 12:30 - 18:00

Welcome and first exchange

Stud management

Lunch together

Prelude and entry


Friday and Saturday: 9:00 -18:00

Theory and practice of animal communication in the group, individual support, meeting with horses.

Lunch together (13:00 - 14:00), Siesta (14:00 - 15:00)


Sunday: 9:00 - 14 h

Deepening and exercise, outlook/ perspective, conclusion

Joint final dinner

More info:


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