"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others." (African proverb)

Leonie Bühlmann

"I, Leonie Bühlmann, got to know the stud in 2009 and immediately fell in love with these exceptional horses. I have been closely involved with the stud farm since 2010. First as a rider, then soon as stud manager, I trained the youngsters, trained the breeding stallions, took over customer care and started to make the stud known abroad. In 2013, we attended Equitana in Germany for the first time. This was followed by numerous other trade fairs and events.

Since my earliest youth I was infected with the "horse virus" and began my riding career, like many horse-crazy girls with riding lessons, stable work and spent every free minute with the beloved four-legged friends. Until I was 24 years old, I was mainly at home in the jumping and eventing saddle in Switzerland. But also the dressage seminars with Georg Wahl, the former head rider of the Vienna Riding School, were very formative for me during that time.

But it wasn't just the horses that were important to me. Thus, in 2006, the study of Spanish language and literature led me to Madrid, where I graduated from the Complutense University in 2010. Towards the end of my studies, I got to know the La Perla stud farm, which was founded by Alberto Herranz in 1999.
Also during my studies I spent many hours every day with the horses, working part-time as a rider, showing the horses at competitions and giving lessons. I spent a lot of time with my own horse, PRE Braveheart, we competed in dressage competitions and together we made it to the advanced level Intermediaire. Later on I was also successful with my best Boogie (Bogavante), a Lusitano born at the stud La Perla, on dressage shows and numerous fairs. He is always an absolutely faithful and reliable partner to me.

Looking back, I can say that my first impression from back then was not wrong when I fell in love with these wonderful Lusitanos from La Perla. People keep telling me that the breed has changed in the last few years since I took over in 2016. I am definitely still the biggest fan of all La Perla Lusitanos and love every single one of them dearly!"

Adam Radlinsky

Adam has been an integral and important part of the stud for over 20 years. He is the good soul and helps out everywhere.
He feeds the horses, mucks the stalls, brings the mares and young stallions their food to the pastures and checks daily that everyone is doing well. He helps to do the ultrasounds of the mares in spring, to inseminate the stallions and the mares during the breeding season. He can actually do everything! He fixes the fences, finds broken water pipes and is ready to help with anything at any time of the day or night.
He also has a very good and gentle hand with the horses, has a lot of tact and empathy and can also grab at any time when it is necessary.

Adam cannot be weighed in gold!

Lara Appelt

"From an early age, I felt a deep enthusiasm and connection to horses and quickly realized that they were more than just a normal hobby.
I got my first horse of my own at 14, a five-year-old quarter mix. As a young girl with a young horse, I had a lot to learn, certainly made a lot of mistakes and was allowed to grow from them. My thirst for knowledge was already huge back then - as if there was a call inside me that constantly reminded me that horses are what make me who I am. I followed this call and was already studying classical riding theory back then, always wanting to become better for my horse. Over time, I rode courses with various trainers, did some working equitation and was also able to gain experience in cattle work.
When my first horse died in 2020 and my Lusitano "Jordão" came into my life, I immediately fell in love with this fine, intelligent and hard-working breed. We rode for some time with Dorothee Baumann-Pellny, some students of Anja Beran and with Marvin Vroomen, who eventually brought me to La Perla after my studies.

I have been living here since November 2023 - starting with an internship, an exhausting but incredibly instructive time. Even here, I still feel this deep call within me to pursue what really fulfills me, which is why I decided to follow my heart and stay here. I'm looking forward to the next few years and I'm sure I'll be able to grow with the many different horses here!"

Katrin Riegel

"In my "first life", I studied tourism management and worked in hotels and destination management in East Brandenburg. In my free time, I have been working with my own and other horses and giving riding lessons for a long time.

In June 2018, I visited Yeguada La Perla for the first time and got to know one of the most beautiful - if not the most beautiful place for me. The magic on the mare pasture, the warm magical light on the plateau with the mountains in the background. The blooming lavender. The love that Leonie and her team put into every horse, the heart and soul that goes into rearing and training the pearls. The wonderful, open, friendly and honest character of the horses. Many things would have been different if I hadn't been there back then...

Two years later, my first pearl "Indiano" joined me in Germany and every year I was drawn to Spain several times on vacation. This was followed in 2023 by a four-month break as an intern at the stud farm - together with Indiano, of course. And after Indiano expressed the same opinion in an animal communication that I also hold "La Perla - that's the place to be", this only confirmed my plans.

I have been a permanent member of the La Perla team since March 2024 and am happy about it every day. In addition to working at the stud farm and with the horses, I also support Leonie with the website and social media."

Fernando González Pérez - Veterinarian

Fernando González Pérez has been the main veterinarian of the stud for over 15 years. He knows the horses very well and is our first contact person for everything concerning the health of our beloved four-legged friends.
For example, he makes the papers of the foals and puts them the obligatory microchip, he castrates the stallions, carries out the AKU's and is of course always on the spot when a horse is injured and by him professionally again sewn and healed. He is never wrong with his diagnoses and all horses and people at the stud appreciate and trust him.

In 1995, Fernando González Pérez successfully completed his studies in veterinary medicine at the Complutense University in Madrid. He also holds the Spanish certificate as a specialist in equine veterinary medicine. He is a member of the Association of Specialists in Equine Veterinary Medicine (AVEE) and in the illustrious College of Veterinary Surgeons of Madrid and director of his company CLIMOVEQ SL.

His special interest and devotion are sports medicine, diagnostic imaging and everything related to reproduction.

He himself has also pursued an athletic career in addition to medicine and holds an Olympic diploma. In 2000, he was a member of the Spanish judo team at the Sydney Olympics. To this day, in addition to his main veterinary profession, he runs a judo school outside of Madrid.

We are very happy to have such an experienced and absolutely capable veterinarian at our side at all times. He works with a lot of love, patience and skill and our horses are always in the very best hands with him.

Pau Ruiz Guinart - Farrier

Pau Ruiz Guinart has also been an integral part of La Perla for several years. He takes care of our horses' hooves with a lot of expertise and, above all, a lot of patience. Especially the young horses, which get their hooves done for the first time in their life, he treats with a lot of empathy. So they learn in a very short time that the farrier is a nice man who gives them a nice pedicure and they are relaxed and well-behaved. Since our horses have very good hooves, almost all of them are barefoot and only very few get irons. Pau has mastered his craft and is also constantly educating himself. We are very happy that he is part of the La Perla team and look forward to each of his regular visits.

Pau Ruiz Guinart, farrier and equine podiatrist, trained at the School of Farriers in Madrid and graduated in 2008/2009. Since then, he has been regularly training in national and international seminars from different prestigious farriers, podiatrists and veterinarians. He specialized in shoeing of sport horses, in pathological shoeing and cutting out the hooves of horses without irons (barehoof). From 2012 to 2018, he also worked as a lecturer in the Sierra Norte Farriery School.
In 2015, he additionally specialized in the technique of Balance F. In 2020, he obtained the qualification of "Certified Eurofarrier" (CEF) and is a member of the European Confederation of Farriers' Associations (EEFA).
His continuous training and expertise are always aimed at optimizing the welfare of horses.

Marianne Bühlmann

Last but not least, "Mama" Marianne has also been an important team member for several years. After her retirement, she moved from Switzerland to Spain and swapped her dental practice with the stud.
She helps with 1,000 little things every day. She drives to Segovia and picks up whatever we need. She helps keep everything running at the stud, for example, washes all the winter blankets and stores them over the summer, welcomes the interns and shows them around, patches holes when our breeches break, gets on the tractor and straightens the riding arena, and always cooks us the most delicious meals. The horses love and appreciate her just as much as all the people who work with us or come to visit!

The La Perla team includes many more wonderful people who support the stud. Many thanks to all of them!!!

First and foremost, all the hard-working interns who work and learn at the stud for a few months at a time. Thank you!
Horses and people benefit from the knowledge and work of Alberto García, equine dentist; Diego Mas, osteopath; Cristina Perregaard, saddler; Elisa Bermejo, vet; Kaja Rodius, therapist; to name but a few.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone and also to all the other wonderful people who find their way to La Perla and contribute in one way or another to allow the stud to develop in this way!

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