Initiations - with the spirits of the horses

Shamanic initiations with Mel Sterzer

28.04.-04.05.2025 (still subject to change)


Healing, growth and enlightenment in seven days

You can get all the answers to your questions here:

  • Why isn't my life going the way I want it to?
  • Why does everything feel so heavy and tough?
  • Why am I not simply healthy, fit and active?
  • Why am I not happy for no reason?
  • Why don't I simply have all the riches of life in abundance with me?
  • Why do I always have problems and conflicts in my life?
  • Why am I always sad and sleep so badly?

There are seven major energetic transitions in your life. If you have not gone through these transitions completely or only partially, they will occur:

  • Illness
  • Blockages
  • Failure
  • Deficiency

Every initiation that is not completed correctly brings disruptive frequencies in your development for every further stage of your life.

So if you have not passed through your birth initiation completely and without interference, this will affect all the other major transitions in your life. And so you have a continuous loop of disruptive and deficient energies in your field.

The good news is:

You have the opportunity to go through all the transitions in your life again completely, without disruption and without lack. You can even make the transitions in preparation for those that you have not yet gone through, so that you are already aligning everything towards abundance.

Why the whole thing with horses?

Horses have no ego and are therefore completely value-free. This gift allows them to be the messengers of your soul. They reflect your soul without any distortion and therefore you receive all messages from your soul without misinterpretation. Horses are beings of light sent to us by the spirits in order to have a light companion in our development that enables us to bring light into our confused darkness. They have been by our side for thousands of years and have probably been shaking their heads over this period of time as to why we do not take advantage of their gift, listen to them and use their signs and messages for our healing and growth.

This seminar is unique because it combines the most valuable components for your soul healing:

  • Energy medicine
  • Neuroscience
  • Quantum physics
  • and the magical non-verbal communication of the light beings horses

It takes place in the most magical place where horses can still live freely and naturally. This has allowed them to fully develop the power of their destiny to be soul messengers for humans. Unnatural domestication, restrictions and breeding misinterpretations restrict the development of the horses' gifts to such an extent that they are sometimes no longer able to reflect them at all or only in fractions.

Everything is different on Yeguada La Perla. Here, the beings of light still grow and thrive as nature intended them to. WILD, FREE AND UNDISTURBED. This makes it the best place to go through exactly these initiations WILD, FREE and UNDISTURBED. The herd goes through all seven of these great transitions in the most natural way possible. All the initiations we have done in the herd have shown pure magic and healing effects. The actions or reactions of the horses before, during and after an initiation alone were and are almost impossible to put into words. You can't describe this magic, you have to experience these miracles for yourself.

  • 7 days that will change your life
  • 7 steps that will enrich your growth
  • 7 ways to uncover the probabilities of your desired life that are not yet visible
  • 7 processes that will make you whole again
  • 7 invitations that will become the hero's journey of your life
  • 7 energies that will transform your body and heal you
  • 7 transitions that make your light shine

The wild nature of the high plateau foothills of the Pyrenees is the perfect place to heal your soul and activate any energy of abundance within you.

To prepare, I recommend taking part in the HappyHealerHopper by theMel be a Generation Breaker, which focuses on the content of the seven initiation rituals. In the HappyHealerHopper workshop, you will have your own energy conversation with each transition in your life.

On each of the seven days, theory takes place in the morning and in the afternoon the appropriate initiation in the midst of the wild horse herd.
On the first day you have the opportunity to get to know the stud farm and its owner Leonie Bühlmann in the afternoon.

Arrival day / getting to know the stud farm

Day 1
09:00 - 12:00 Theory BIRTH INITIATION
12.00 - 14.00 Lunch

Day 2
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch

Day 3
09:00 - 12:00 Theory FIRST LOVE INITIATION
12.00 - 14.00 Lunch

Day 4
09:00 - 12:00 Theory WEDDING INITIATION (also divorce initiation)
12.00 - 14.00 Lunch

Day 5
09:00 - 12:00 Theory PARENT INITIATION
(if you don't have children: this is also about projects, companies, pets that are "brought into the world")
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch

Day 6
09:00 - 12:00 Theory WISDOM INITIATION
12.00 - 14.00 Lunch

Day 7
09:00 - 12:00 Theory DYING INITIATION
12.00 - 14.00 Lunch
FAREWELL EVENING with magical fire ceremony


Info to follow

HappyHealerHopper workshop "the 7 major transitions"

Initiations Spain
Early bird
Incl. lunch
Excl. travel/accommodation

Feel welcome and allow yourself to take the growth step of your life in connection with the unique light beings who can show you all the messages of your wounded soul.

Are you in then:

  • illness becomes health again
  • your annoying fear finally turns into strong courage that lets you rock every comfort zone in your life
  • out of poverty and lack will come your longed-for wealth and abundance
  • you will finally be able to manifest your visions and wishes without interference
  • you have regained the zest for life that you have been missing for so long
  • you are happy for no reason and your life finally comes alive again
  • you can be creative and create the life you have been dreaming of for so long.

We look forward to your new YOU.

Arrival and accommodation

The accommodation will be booked by the participants themselves. Tips on hotels, guesthouses or apartments can be found here.
Price categories from about EUR 55 per night and person.

The nearest airport is Madrid. From there, the best way to reach the stud, which is approx. 130 km from the airport, is by rental car. Google Maps is the easiest way to find the stud farm.

We are happy to link you as participants to each other so that you can, for example, join forces to book a rental car together. If you wish to do so, please give us your consent to pass on your contact details to the other participants.

by email to

More information about Mel at

The face of the course - Mel Sterzer

Mel tells her own La Perla story and how the idea for the initiations with the help of the horses came about...

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