"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success." (Henry Ford)

Our work gives us such great pleasure not only because of the horses, but also because of the many great people we meet through the horses and our stud La Perla.

Independent feed consultancy Constanze Röhm

Melanie Sterzer


Signum Saddle Service



Image & Sound

Schauwacker Film Production

Among other things, Ralf Schauwacker shot our great image film and also supported this website with the short film clips.

In 2019, there was even for him the 1st prize at Equinale in the category of best short documentary "Yeguada La Perla".

Ralf Schauwacker has also produced my instructional film on classical work in hand. This is available in his store.

Lara Baeriswyl photography

Lara tells us, "Before my visit to La Perla, I heard a lot about the magic of La Perla. And I was not disappointed. Nothing comes close to the feeling of standing in the middle of a huge herd and experiencing the peacefulness of the horses. You can feel the love with which Leonie has raised all these wonderful horses. I already have wanderlust for La Perla again!"

Gabriele Boiselle is one of the best horse photographers in the world. In the summer of 2019 she was with us twice and took wonderful photos!

Gabriele Boiselle

"An Amazon has been lost to Gabriele Boiselle. If she had been born a few thousand years earlier, she would certainly have fought alongside Penthesilea and her warriors. For like the Amazons of old, Gabriele Boiselle is a fighter, strong-willed and clever, fearless and indomitable. And just like the Amazons, she has a deep, natural love for horses, those noble creatures that play such a central role in her life and work. The photographer does not have warlike ambitions like her ancestors, thank goodness. She has exchanged bow and arrow for camera and keyboard. But she uses them with such power that no one can escape the fascination of her pictures and her texts. Gabriele Boiselle is an absolute professional as a photojournalist."

Christina Bötzel - studio

At the Equitana 2013, the horse painter Christina Bötzel had booked a booth as always. Already on day 1 she strolled through the neighboring hall. At the stud La Perla stood a dun: "Domino" was his name. He caught her eye immediately, but under no circumstances did she want to buy a horse at the fair, and certainly not a Lusitano. A friendly employee opened the door for her and Domino came up to her very gently and asked very kindly and unobtrusively if there might be a treat. That's when Zoom did it...

Christina's contact with Leonie and La Perla remained and currently she paints 13 stud motifs, which are available individually and later as art print calendars.

Frau Stern fotografiert - Fabienne Gassmann

"A place where the soul may find peace - I read this sentence about the La Perla stud farm and this magical place cannot be described more aptly.

The stud farm is located in a beautiful place, the endless expanse with the lavender in bloom, the mountains in the background, the tranquility and the many Lusitanos.

Standing for hours in the pastures, taking pictures and watching the horses. Simply a dream..."

Anna Ibelshäuser Photography

"A life without horses? Unthinkable. Since I was 6 years old, these wonderful creatures have been an integral part of my everyday life. Therefore, it is little wonder that at some point they moved into my profession. As a horse photographer, it is not only my job, but also my vision to capture these beautiful animals with my camera forever.I love what I do and am passionate and passionate about what I do."

Karin Leuthardt Photography

"My name is Karin Leuthardt, I am originally from Switzerland and have been living in Spain for over 24 years in Conil de la Frontera, on the Coast of Light. Many know me as a horse woman, were with me on riding vacations or had already taken one or the other riding lesson with me. My passion for photography has accompanied me for a very long time. One of the biggest inspirations is the horse photographer and friend Gabriele Boiselle. She already photographed my horses 20 years ago. As an autodidact photographer, I let my inspiration guide me."

Animal photography Monique Meschkat

Monique says: "What impressed me most at La Perla were the mare pastures; not only that the grounds resembled a horse paradise, but especially the behavior of the mares was so calming. The horses radiated such peace and deep contentment that immediately captivated you, and you could really forget about time there. And from a photographer's point of view, the stallions just blew me away: beautiful, expressive horses that were incredibly great in front of the camera."

Katrin Riegel photography

Katrin raves: "Since my first visit in 2018, La Perla has touched my heart... The magic in the mare pasture, the warm magic light on the plateau with the mountains in the background. The lavender in bloom. The love that Leonie and her team show to each horse. The open, friendly and honest character of the horses. So many reasons to come back again and again..."

Katrin has also actively worked on this website and made sure that it has become so beautiful! THANK YOU Katrin!!!

Sabine Scharnberg Photography

"Pinch me one - YUCHU, it goes to the stud La Perla!!!!

Those were my thoughts when I booked the flight to Madrid.

As a child I once got a self-painted card as a gift. For school enrollment. On it was drawn a horse, without halter or bridle, free on large meadows with a slight "bump" on the nose. At least that's what I called it at the time. "Rams nose" or "concave head shape" I read up later.

My horse in the drawing was therefore a Lusitano... what did I, as a Hamburg girl, know about horses?

(By now well aware that other breeds can have this head shape, and also that not all Lusitanos have a "bump.")

Standing with my camera in the vast meadows of La Perla in August 2022, I remembered the drawing. The circle was closed, albeit 50 years later. I was right there, in the place of the drawing.

La Perla is a magical place for me not only because of that. The many horses, the vastness, the friendliness of people and animals, all this makes you forget the everyday worries. When I stood in the herds, it was difficult for me to take pictures. The beauty of the Lusitanos is touching and I could not get enough of it.

All the horses, big and small, came to say "good day." Delicate horses' mouths blew in my ear, I heard the chewing and snorting and somewhere one-year-olds were playing and swirling dust in the red evening sky....

Leonie (and her team) exude such a love for the horses that it is almost palpable. I am grateful that I was able to come. Merci so much!"

Contact for horses for sale

Natasja Helgers-Enter

Natasja is the contact person in the Netherlands. She and her La Perla horses are at home in 5991 NH Baarlo.

"For me, the La Perla horses are everything a horse should be: they are pure, have a great character, are robust, have good bones, are sure-footed and, above all, have been raised in a very horse-friendly way. And then when they come in for training and schooling, they are eager to work, eager to learn and really fun to ride - they are also real eye-catchers in the arena."

Course partner

Andrea and her Octavio la Perla

Andrea Mosimann

Andrea Mosimann from Switzerland has been helping people as a naturopath for more than twenty years. She studied homeopathy, which she likes to use as a helpful healing method for acute and chronic complaints of all kinds. She complements this holistic medicine with energy work and can thus help to bring body, mind and soul into balance.

Systemic structural constellations are a valuable addition and enrichment to her work as a naturopath. Tricky life situations, stubborn issues or internal or external conflicts can be changed with depth and at the same time with playful ease.

A very special experience, impressive, touching, fascinating and healing at the same time are the Systemic Structural Constellations in which our horses provide support. The connection with the animals during the constellation process is invaluable. Horses have a remarkable ability to respond intuitively to our energies and emotions. They know the higher wisdom of our systems and make themselves available to use this knowledge to open up new dimensions, bring hidden aspects to light and support deep healing.

Sonja Ruffieux

Sonja Ruffieux from Switzerland is SFRV Trainer C and equine therapist for osteopathy and physiotherapeutic training with Maike Knifka.

She started with western riding and later switched to classical riding. Sonja attended countless dressage and show jumping courses and took part in show jumping competitions for a few years. As one of her horses was extremely demanding in her earlier years, with a lot of power and nervousness, she became more involved in groundwork and calmness training. Since 2024, she has also been passing on her knowledge of free work in the form of courses at our stud farm.

Two pearls now live with her at home in Switzerland. Why does Sonja love La Perla Lusitanos? "Because La Perla is a wonderful place where foals are allowed to grow up into strong horses."

Ulrike Dietmann

Ulrike Dietmann has been a pioneer in consciousness work with horses for 12 years. In workshops and coachings on site and online she teaches together with her team the "Hero's Journey with Horses"- a step by step way into the deep connection between horse and human.

About the stud she says: "The greatest thing I have ever seen. I have seen ranches, farms, yards, riding stables and wild horse herds in many European countries, the USA and Jamaica. But never such a mix of herds on huge terrain, mindful handling, very fine, people-oriented horses and a business concept that is also a great vision.

And it's all run by a woman who is spiritual and down-to-earth at the same time. She trains the horses and sells them to mindful horse people all over Europe.

In the herds you can find a great serenity, all horses have trust in people, are sensitive and naturally attentive."

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