Liberty dressage - dancing with Lusitanos

with Sonja Ruffieux


Liberty dressage with Sonja Ruffieux and the wonderful La Perla Lusitanos.

Let yourself be inspired by the fascination of liberty dressage in this seminar! Feel a magical connection and a deep trust in your horse, communicate with your horse through an invisible thread via very fine aids.

This seminar will help you:

  • Learning to read the horse's body language
  • Development and refinement of a common language
  • Improve and refine your body language skills
  • Use your energy in a targeted manner and adapt it to the respective horse
  • Control your expectations and adapt them to the horse
  • Building mutual trust


Thursday, September 19
11:00 a.m. Meeting at the stud farm and tour of the stud farm
Followed by a lunch break
From 3:00 p.m. individual lessons so that each participant can work on what they
want. Each session lasts approx. 30 minutes.

Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21
Starting at 9:00 a.m., one session per participant
Followed by a lunch break
One session per participant in the afternoon from approx. 3:00 p.m.

Sunday, September 22, 2023
From 09:00 a.m. Lessons, one unit per participant
Followed by lunch together and the end of the course.

We welcome everyone who wants to get involved in something new and, above all, work on

Small course with a maximum of 6 active participants. Spectators are welcome. Please also with registration.
Participation in the course is at your own risk.

760 Euro
(incl. snacks and drinks during the day)

Arrival and accommodation

The accommodation will be booked by the participants themselves. Tips on hotels, guesthouses or apartments can be found here.
Price categories from about EUR 55 per night and person.

The nearest airport is Madrid. From there you can reach the stud farm, about 130 km from the airport, best by rental car. Google Maps is the easiest way to find the Yeguada la Perla.

We are happy to link you as participants to each other so that you can, for example, join forces to book a rental car together. If you wish to do so, please give us your consent to pass on your contact details to the other participants.

by email to

More information about Sonja at

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